

So, what’s this page going to be all about? This blog will be like a painter’s canvas. The painters are the UCIC team members. We will try to give our stakeholders an insight into the UCIC team through its blog. The idea of the blog is not too different from the idea of UCIC itself – to be inclusive! We hope that you enjoy the reading and we will try our best to ensure regular updation of this section.


The second wave – relax, revise and repeat

April 27, 2021 ucinclusive

While the range of intelligence is very broad – from mediocre to brilliant, the same cannot be said about stupidity. Its like a cliff. At the end there is just the fall into an abyss. Remember the Coyote from Road runner if you want to imagine the scene. Except the Coyote always gets up in the nex...

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July 1, 2020 ucinclusive

Forced to Work from home has given me an opportunity to connect more with my twin boys. For me its truly fascinating journey to see a human being evol...

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October 27, 2019 ucinclusive

Tasked with penning the first blog of UC Inclusive Credit is certainly an unprecedented responsibility. The important thing to remember, however, abou...

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